Yoga      for kids

Training dates: 1st, 2nd, 3rd October 2024

Funded training to share the transformative power of yoga with children and young people in your school or community. In the last three years, the likelihood of young people having a mental health problem has increased by 50%, a problem exacerbated as a result of the pandemic. However, yoga has a positive effect on stress, physical and mental wellbeing for children; it is now more important than ever to put yoga in action to strengthen the wellbeing of the next generation. Train with us and make change today.

Put Yoga in Action: train with us

We are looking for applicants from schools, charities and community hubs to join a fully funded training programme to increase access to yoga in Norfolk communities.

The programme includes 3 days of contact training to become a fully certified ‘Yoga in Action teacher' and 6 weeks of wellbeing delivery and evaluation to your community group, supported by regular mentoring and check ins with us. We empower you to offer wellbeing support covering mindful movement, breathwork, sharing circles and yoga.

Increase your impact and better serve the communities on your doorstep; choose to specialise in yoga for kids and start supporting local families today.

Applicants must be affiliated with a community organisation, charity, not-for-profit or school and have access to a vulnerable community group ready to teach.

FREE training

A 3 day course worth between £550-£750 to equip you with the skills and resources to share yoga with young people.

Deliver to your community

In exchange, you deliver a 6 week programme of classes to local communities of need that wouldn’t otherwise be able to financially access yoga and wellbeing.

Mentorship & support

We create sustainable change through mentoring that ensures you feel confident & supported in your development as a facilitator.

Course content

Kid’s Yoga based movement & mindfulness, toddler to tween delivered via the ZenKids programme

  • The experience of exploring children’s yoga. Children’s yoga has to be fun, co-creative, full of adventure and story-telling, it needs boundaries, and safety, and involves community and togetherness. We need to think about the difference in the ages we teach in terms of enjoyment, catching imaginations, curriculum, and safety for growing energetic bodies.

  • The building blocks of every class. Specialising yoga to the needs of young people, including mindful moments, appropriate safe and fun asana, playing with pranayama and specialist and imaginative shavasana. We need to teach the full range of yoga asanas appropriate for each child’s age and encourage the benefits in a fun and inspirational way.

    Includes a downloadable manual full of children's yoga postures and games, mindful moments and guided meditations for children.

  • Teaching a safe class. Development, adaptations, and contraindications, what’s happening throughout growth and what this means for your yoga instruction.

    Motor skills:
    With our Children’s Occupational Therapist contributing to the content, this course is great for developing gross-motor skills, fine-motor skills and core stability, helpful for children when in the classroom.

    We also focus on proprioceptive exercise which reassures the nervous system, this has a calming effect on the body and mind.

  • Community, Collaboration, Calm and Confidence, working together to support and encourage each other.

  • Exploring the Yogic values of peace, truth, honesty, self-control, freedom, contentment, willpower, insight, resilience and compassion. Using story-telling and time travel to transport us into exploring the freedom of our imagination and creating meaningful mindful moments.

  • Proprioceptive power
    Yoga Bursts - 5-minute calming and resilience solutions for the classroom
    Asana games
    Imagination station
    Mindful moments
    Guided relaxation for chilled out kids

  • We support you to start teaching your community group, with information on brand presence, business planning and marketing musts.

  • Full attendance of the course, 5 short essays, demonstration of safe teaching during the training.

Contact Training Days

1st, 2nd, 3rd October
9.30am - 5.30pm, Norfolk

3 days of in person training, plus 5 short essays (600-1000 words each) which will total around 45 hours of training.

Mentorship & Delivery Period

6 weeks delivered between 4th November - 13th December 2024

Practitioners are supported to deliver the ‘Yoga in Action’ programme to their local vulnerable community group and evaluate classes to gather impact data.

1x 60 min weekly class plus weekly check in and mentoring calls (via Zoom).

More details about the programme structure here:

Make change today

If you are interested in joining our Kids Yoga training and mentorship programme, please fill out an application form.

We cannot wait to bring yoga and wellbeing to communities that need it most - and change the world for the better, one breath at a time.

changing the world

one breath at a time

changing the world ✸ one breath at a time ✸